Leo Season Insights 🔥

The only glow that matters is the glow that comes from within.

Via @Beyonce instagram

Via @Beyonce instagram

By Vei Darling

During Leo Season, our glow is inescapable and all will want a taste. The Sun is exalted in its home sign of Leo. Just like the sun, Leo’s are exuberant, bright, and bold. And just like lions, they have big hearts, big pride, and big tempers. An insecure Leo is self-centered and grabs attention at all-costs, living for drama as proof that others care. A self-aware Leo knows that they do not need anyone or anything to prove their value & star power. They lead from the heart & their truth knowing that it is valid regardless of if anyone understands it. 

Cancer season’s Full Moon in Capricorn brought to mind our internal truth— what drives us. Are we attempting to fulfill the metrics of someone else’s idea of success in hopes that it will somehow make us feel worthy, valuable, loved, fulfilled, and whole at our core? Venus entering Leo on July 28th reminds us that the heart wants what the heart wants, and we no longer have the desire to hide it. Don’t overthink it; don’t minimize it. Be loud and proud about your desires. Stand tall in them, knowing you deserve the best and that you’re going to get it. Lead from the heart, lead from abundance, lead from love & appreciation for your Self— your TRUE Self— so that you can attract the same!

During Mercury retrograde, we explore our internal emotional landscape, coming face to face with all the feelings we have been running away from. We’re getting through it like we always do. Planet Mercury going direct on August 1st highlights that it is time to communicate our emotional truths. No more houses built on lies. Keep it real with yourself and everyone else by allowing yourself to be vulnerable. The Aquarius Full Moon on August 15th will support us in keeping it real. This Full Moon will also allow space to honor the very things that set us apart and unique from everyone else; reminding us that the ability to bring something new to a situation is what makes us valuable. This is the time to free yourself of all fears and doubts surrounding yourself.

We must ask ourselves, what makes us feel fulfilled? Are others worthy of your divinity or should we only allow them to admire from afar? Do they truly appreciate your magic? Do they understand your value? We may be tempted by fake gold and phony souls, but resilience and temperance will pay off way more in the long run than rushing into ego-driven decisions. The ego only lives on Earth. While it is necessary for our existence here, it is finite. When we choose to live a life of infinite abundance, we know that love trumps ego every time. We know that we must shift into abundance mindset— not that of the finite. 

As Leo season peaks with Mars entering Virgo on August 18th, we find ourselves paying acute attention to the ways we interact with the world. It pays to be mindful but not overly critical. Don’t let rejection for living in your truth harden your heart or make you hide your light; and don’t overcompensate for people by showing up more for them more than you’re showing up for yourself (especially in ways that they didn’t ask for). Yes, indeed keep shining your light but remember to show up for yourself first and foremost— all ways, always. Oh, and remember: Don’t cast your pearls before swine; go where the love is unconditional and you feel safe!

Remember, our value is not determined by anyone— not even ourselves. We are invaluable and that is why we exist! We are diamonds and gold! Our potential is limitless. Only we can decide how we spend it and how much of it we use in any given situation. We determine the worth of our time and energy, our only true resources. Spend wisely. Don’t it on being a replica; be the real deal. Walking in your truth is easier said than done, but it’s the only thing that makes life worth living. Glow from within this Leo Season, and watch how the whole world shines for you. 

Happy hunting xx

Join Us at our next Club Cosmos workshop…

Club Cosmos is a Cosmic Wellness practice building workshop led by Sad Girls Club Resident Astrologer, Vei Darling aka The Sagittarius Woman! Here, we unpack cosmic energy and astrology as well as holistic healing practices such as meditation to help Sad Girls Club and The Sagittarius Woman family build their very own cosmic wellness practice. 

About Vei Darling—

Vei is an astral intuitive, energy worker, Highly Sensitive Person, and messenger for and embodiment of the Divine. Vei has been practicing nature-based spirituality for most of her life through drawing on various global spiritual practices to form her own ‘Cosmic Wellness’. Through this practice, Vei has found great healing through anxiety & depression.