Your Sad Girl July ✨Tarotscopes✨

by our Tarot Reader, Sophia Somerville of Southern Spells

To book a free consultation with Sophia, click here. 

How are you, Sad Girls? I’ve missed you.

Welcome back to your Cosmic Corner. 

July kicks off with a new moon in Cancer on July 2, a cardinal water sign best known for its propensity to feel deeply, nurture freely, crave safety, and retreat into its crab shell when that sense of safety is threatened. Not only that, but this date falls on a solar eclipse. At this time, we as a collective are being asked to get clear on where in our lives we need to create more safety for ourselves, so that we can take responsibility for our boundaries. We can still stretch and grow whilst in a nesting phase. Traditionally, the new moon is a time for setting intentions for the month ahead. However, with this month not only containing two eclipses (the second is a full moon lunar eclipse on July 17 in the sign of Capricorn) but a Mercury Retrograde in Leo (July 7-31), this is less of a month for manifesting and more a time to let the planetary energies wash over you, and wash away what is no longer yours to hold. It’s a time to do less, and ground more.

These ‘scopes are meant to provide the inspiration to craft your own intention for staying calm and present through the storms of the month.

I have pulled a card from the She Wolfe deck for each sign. Read for your sun, moon and rising signs, if you know all three. Take with you what resonates and ditch the rest. 

ARIES: Five of Pentacles

There’s an air of distrust in your eyes as you gaze upon your future, Aries. Where or what are you doubting? Instead of getting caught up in the headiness of such a question, do something with your hands to keep busy without hyping up your headspace. Paint your nails, make tacos, clean the house. This flare-up is temporary; a necessary threshold to pass through. In time will carry you to the next phase of your journey. 

Aries July Mantra: In this moment, I choose to cultivate my trust in the process.  

TAURUS: Queen of Wands

Something that dwells deep within you demands expression this month. Don’t force it – simply create space to allow it to rise up and out of you like smoke. It would be wise to leave a little extra legroom in your calendar this month, as a busy schedule could breed unnecessary frustration. Your emotions need outlets, not barriers. Enjoy this breath of fire and the feeling of release it brings. Use or voice, move your body, or write it out. 

Taurus July Mantra: As I express who I am, who I am not falls away. 

GEMINI: Magician

Even though your season has passed, a core part of you is still in your element. You are able to see things from a wider vantage point this month, creating a wise boundary between yourself and any dramas playing out below. Lean into your trust of the inner timing of things, the invisible and seemingly incomprehensible timing of your life. This will allow you float without flying away.   

Gemini July Mantra: I trust the timing of my life.  

CANCER: Lovers

Happy Birthday, Cancer! This month gifts you the opportunity to witness your self-love bloom in the world around you. As you reflect upon another trip around the sun, your inner life is mirrored back to you in external environments. Notice evidence of your growth, beauty and grace as you move through the world. Gaze into it like a lover’s eyes.  

Cancer July Mantra: The more I see, the more I remember I am love. 

LEO: Temperance

It’s time to take a step back, Leo. With your fiery season on the horizon, what better time to sit in the muck and magic of where you are right: smack bang in the middle of the year. Give yourself as much time and space from all-the-doing as you can muster, so you can polish the jewel of your desire. If you’ve lost touch with what you really want, this is an excellent month to let all that is not meant for you to fall away. What you’re left with shines with brilliant clarity, giving you renewed trust in the universe.

Leo July Mantra: I step back and let the universe take the lead. 

VIRGO: Page of Wands

The vastness of your interior opens up for you this month in the most glorious of ways. You see yourself in ways you have been longing to be seen by others, in all your presence, dexterity and dynamism. There is something emerging in you that feels different, and newly safe to experience. Let yourself sink into this shift. Deep breathing and long walks are favoured at this time. This is a moment to ground before leaping forward. Don’t curb your enthusiasm, but internally harness it. Don’t let your feelings use you; use them

Virgo July Mantra: I take a breath before I take flight. 


Quite literally: get some sun. Or if you can’t close your eyes and go to your favourite spot in nature. Visualisation is a powerful tool for you. This card also indicates that part of you wants to be acknowledged for reaching its destination, or triumphing over adversity. Celebrate that victory, however big or small it seems. It matters to your spirit right now. 

Libra July Mantra: I celebrate my accomplishments with shining glory. 

SCORPIO: Six of Cups

There is a sweetness to this month that is free from being sickly. This sweetness flows from a hearth of truth towards you, like a river on its way to the sea. Notice what is coming into or returning to your life, and determine what you want to allow in. It is always up to you. Let yourself take the precious moments in, fully and freely.

Scorpio July Mantra: I let myself enjoy the simple pleasures. 

SAGITTARIUS: Two of Swords

You’ve been in your head about all of the things, Sag. Time to put yourself out of your misery. Instead of forcing yourself to make a choice, let yourself off the hook. There is decisive power in taking all the options off the table and letting yourself engage with your physical senses again. Dance to your favourite song, cook a meal from scratch, lie down. Give your head a break, and the answers you’ve been seeking will find you on their own. 

Sagittarius July Mantra: When I let go of control, I let the universe step in. 


Rejoice, for the Tower here to help you grow into the person you really are. It tears down anything in your life that is no longer working for you, or does not have your best interests at heart. This isn’t something to fear but a process to prepare for, as your immune system will likely need some extra support during this time of change and upheaval. 

Capricorn July Mantra: I let go of the old with purpose and self-care. 

AQUARIUS: Ten of Cups

July is a special month for your sense of gratitude. This is a time to let yourself receive the gifts of your own making. There is a need to pause in-between the action to marvel at what you’ve built room for in your life, and to really welcome its arrival. You are allowed to dwell in the serenity of it all, whilst also acknowledging the ups and downs of getting used to the good. Write your gratitude list and say it aloud. Over and over, till you feel it in your bones. 

Aquarius July Mantra: I rejoice in my wins, and let the world join in. 


Surrender to the pace of the waves this month, Pisces. This shouldn’t be a chore for you; you know the ocean metaphor better than any of us. A cycle for you is ending, even if it doesn’t appear so, it may be unconscious and under the surface. There is so much to be free from right now, but it is a gentle and natural release that you are experiencing. There is no chaos here, only the soft power and flow of water.

Pisces July Mantra: I find solace in renewal. 

Sophia Somerville is a tarot reader, writer & creative producer living in Sydney, Australia. She helps creative, empathic people build trust in their intuition, so they can channel their sensitivity into actualizing their creative desires. She is the resident Tarot reader at Orchard St, Luna Beauty, and WeWork. Curious about Tarot and all things intuitive? Book a free clarity session with Sophia.