Libra Season Insights ✨
Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all—Whitney Houston
Solange via Instagram
By Vei Darling
Ceres is the asteroid associated with reaping what we sow. She represents Virgo, the “Fair Maiden” who sweeps through the land, looking for the Light that Pluto stole from her (her daughter, Persephone). When it is returned to her, Spring is sprung again. With the end of Virgo season, we reflect on all of the minutiae of our lives that hold us back from having it all, accessing our dreams, and living our best lives. It’s easy to forget those things and let them flutter away in the flow of air that is Libra season, but if we are serious about wanting what we want, we know that we must remain mindful and intentional if we seek to get it.
The sign of Libra (alongside Taurus) is ruled by the planet Venus. Venus is the planet of valuation and harmony, which is why it is generally said to be about love, money, and attraction. We know better. We know that those are just symptoms of value. We know that what we hold dear, we want more of. We know that, in this way, what we cherish holds a power within us— it can either give or take our autonomy. We know that because of this, we must truly know what it is that we value, and we know that we must always remember to put our safety and wellbeing first! We know that we attract what we put out, and if we truly want something enough, we must make ourselves open and able to receive it.
This Libra season will show us the ways in which we are and are not making ourselves receptive and accessible. Libras are not generally lazy but they are more into receiving than doing. A high vibrational Libra gives generously because they know that their cup is so full that it overflows— just to be around them is a blessing.. Instead of focusing on attracting what we want this Libra season, let’s focus on allowing ourselves to receive it so that our cups, too, can overflow with abundance and, more than anything, Love!
It can all be so simple / but you’d rather make it hard—Lauryn Hill
Examining the chart of Libra season, we have a lot of harmonious energy, with Taurus in the seventh House (ruled by Libra & Venus). This energy pushes ideas of boundaries and makes our efforts in regards to the spaces and places we occupy tangible. This is a wonderful time for establishing safe spaces, which means— set those boundaries! It’s no surprise, since the overarching energy of the chart is Capricorn.
Much of the Insights coming in are heavily associated with last year’s Venus retrograde in Scorpio, which started this Journey of heart healing. Life’s Journey since then has been largely about love— how we embody, embrace, and express it. The trials have been manifold, but the treasures that have been gained are limitless. At this essential time in the Cosmos, we are being called to question ourselves— are we ready? Are we ready to receive the things we have been working so hard for? Are we ready for the changes that are attached to those things? Are we ready to step out of the old and grow into the new?
The season starts with the Moon in Cancer, giving our emotional Self the power to truly make itself heard, especially with the Full Moon in Aries on October 14th. With Mars starting the season in Virgo, we will be more careful of what we do and how we do it. This creates a space for us to act with more intention and integrity as opposed to fear. Tap into this energy before making any decisions throughout the next month. With Mercury in Libra (along with Venus and the Sun), we will have a definite way with words. People will hang on every word we say. We must remember to communicate everything we need to express, centered in your truth. This is hard to do! Staying in your truth requires vulnerability— a strength that will remain at the forefront of our lives while the North Node moves through the sign of Cancer. It requires us to foster intimacy within ourselves (Pluto Rx in Capricorn), so that we can create those spaces with others. It’s hard, but it’s necessary! And the only way to get better at it is by practicing as often as possible.
This new reality may feel alien to us, but returning to our newly cemented foundations formed in our truths can go a long way. Remembering the lessons we have learned along this Journey with all of the retrogrades and eclipses can keep us grounded in our footing. And when in doubt, we remember our Power (first House in Scorpio). We remember all the ways in which we have been able to overcome the obstacles of our past and that we have everything we need to face those ahead (Mars in Virgo). Now is the time to protect that Power— to honor it, nourish it, let it know that you are a safe space for it to reside so that it may allow you access to it. This practice is called fostering intimacy. When we are able to be fully intimate with ourself in Truth and Love, we become more powerful.
For better or worse, Libra season promises new life. Libra season promises transformation and transcendence— transcendence of previously unhealthy expressions of identity! It promises stepping into higher forms of Self and ways of Being! Libra season promises the balance we have been desperately seeking since last October! But more than anything, by opening ourselves up to vulnerability— from ourselves and from others— and allowing it to empower us. Libra season promises a great opportunity to get aligned with our Truth, with our Essence and above all, our Power!
Good luck and happy hunting :)
About Vei Darling—
Vei is an astral intuitive, energy worker, Highly Sensitive Person, and messenger for and embodiment of the Divine. Vei has been practicing nature-based spirituality for most of her life through drawing on various global spiritual practices to form her own ‘Cosmic Wellness’. Through this practice, Vei has found great healing through anxiety & depression.