Sad Girl Tarotscopes - April
while in this forced pause, the earth is cleaning house. let’s talk about how you can too.
image provided by abygai.
by Abygai Peña.
Cleaning house. For this month’s tarotscopes I think it would be helpful to center our reading on how we can do emotional or physical spring cleaning. What tools can we use to feel refreshed during this trying time? Does anyone else feel like winter has yet to come to an end? Ever since we started receiving dispatches from Wuhan, China in December of 2019 all of our lives have changed. The entire world has paused. We are at a forced standstill like two cowboys right before they turn around for a face-off. During our sanctioned time of social distancing, the earth has changed too. Carbon and greenhouse gas emissions are down and the BBC actually reported that there has been a 50% decrease in pollution in New York as we’ve taken measures to slow the virus. While in this forced pause, the earth is cleaning house. Let’s talk about how you can too.
Queen of Rods
The Queen of Rods is very similar to your natural energy Aries! The Queen of Rods is filled with exuberance, creativity, and ambition. For Aries the quarantine is difficult because it forces you to be restless and dying to go outside. For Aries the reset button is setting goals you can work toward while inside, this means any creative projects like writing or painting. Find a creative outlet that you can dive into indoors, that will be the key to keeping you from recreating The Shining.
Page of Cups Reversed
The Page of Cups reversed can often point to creative blocks caused by insecurity and negative self-talk. Taurus has a natural sense of aesthetics and are often drawn to creative endeavors, however, the Page of Cups reversed could be picking up on the tension between Taurus’ love of art and beauty conflicting with their desire for stability. This internal conflict could be exacerbated by the instability we’re all experiencing in the world at the moment. Just know Taurus that the entire world is dealing with fears around security. You’re not falling short in the slightest. And remember that creating could be an outlet that helps soothe you with the right perspective. You got this.
Eight of Pentacles Reversed
Geminis are known for their ability to speak to many disciplines and topics. The Eight of Pentacles reversed tells us that you’re using your new routine to your advantage and focusing on your own betterment. Although your focus on productivity is admirable the Eight of Pentacles also recognizes that you may be experiencing perfectionism or are struggling to meet your goals. Gemini, you should keep in mind that our expectations of productivity must change when we are going through change. You will feel more in control when you are able to reevaluate these expectations.
Knight of Pentacles
You are on course, Cancer. Not surprising that you’re adjusting so well to the work from home routine as you probably prefer it this way. You’re in your element. The Knight of Pentacles represents a diligent Knight who is sticking to the course. Although this course might not be glamorous or even that exciting it does yield results. Congrats on thriving in quarantime. As long as you stick to your course of action you are sure to meet your goals as this is an encouragement card.
High Priestess
“What you see, isn’t always the truth.” Although this quotation comes from famed reality show Rupaul’s Drag Race it carries serious spiritual weight. The High Priestess shows up when you need to connect with spirituality. Leo this is a time for you to look inward and get in touch with your intuition. There is comfort in connecting with spirit or your ancestors, the High Priestess is letting you know that this is the best place for you to seek refuge. Look no further. The answers are inside you.
Page of Rods Reversed
If anyone has high expectations, it’s you, Virgo. In this case, the Page of Rods brings awareness to frustrations when it comes to any new projects. The Page of Rods suggests that you approach your frustrations to adaptability. As a mutable sign, this should be easy for you. You may need to take a step back and reevaluate how you can reach your current goals.
Ace of Cups Reversed
This is a positive card, Libra. The Ace of Cup depicts a chalice overflowing with energy from the heavens. This card is about being receptive to all of the love knocking at your door. When reversed the Ace of Cup emphasizes the focus on self-love. In order to feel refreshed you must focus on getting your cup full. This card also tells us that you might have some frustration around opening up to others and the card suggests that you channel these emotions creatively during this time.
You meant to step it up spiritually this month, Scorpio. You are pretty familiar with transformational energy, the Judgement card is signaling to you that ascending into another level where you’ll be serving your highest self. This could mean that you are currently faced with some decisions to get you there. You’ll need to get grounded to utilize both your natural analytical skills and intuition. Trust your better judgment.
Three of Pentacles
The Three of Pentacles tells us that you are spending your quarantime learning. Seems like your nature Sagittarius. As a Jupiter ruled sign you thrive in expanding your mind and teaching others what you know. However, the Three of Pentacles is asking you to collaborate with others in order to get what you want. I know that it can have its challenges with your independent nature. Whatever your goal is right now, it would be best to look at the big picture. The Three of Pentacles advises that you learn to see the value in the wisdom of others and allow them to work with you to meet your goals. This could be a great time to create a virtual team and connect with talented people from around the globe. Hopefully, that can also satiate your desire for travel during this time too.
The Hermit Reversed
The Hermit reversed is picking up on your newfound isolation. Although you’re in the groove, Capricorn, this card is a reminder to hold space for yourself rather than throwing yourself too deep into your work. Just remember that connection right now is more important than ever as our lives are confined to our homes. The connection being advised could also point to spending time with yourself. Integrating a mindfulness practice to your already productive routine could provide some relief for your always thinking mind.
Six of Cups
The Six of Cups signals that this is a good time to reconnect with your inner child. During quarantime you are finding yourself reminiscing about happy memories when things were simpler. As an Aquarius, you have no trouble bringing levity to any situation. In order to feel recharged and reset during this time consider doing activities or revisiting hobbies you once had as a child-like drawing or playing with legos. Additionally, if you find yourself thinking about your best friend from college who lives in a different city the Six of Cup is encouraging that you reach out to them and check-in during this time. Feeling surrounded by comforting friendships and activities is the way for you to get through this time.
Nine of Swords
You’re in the throes of anxiety and depression right now. The Nine of Swords is the quintessential mental prison card. What is positive about drawing this card is that it points to a difference in perspective and reality. Although, there is no doubt that the world is suffering right now the Nine of Swords tells us that you are ruminating on worst-case scenarios and overthinking. As a Pisces you are inclined to feel for others, this is a time to reevaluate your perspective and do a check on yourself. Do you have what you need? Start there and reach out to others for support and connection. Starting a gratitude practice during this time could help you feel more at ease.
Abygai Peña is a Manhattan-bound feminist filmmaker and writer who contributes to BUST Magazine and Sad Girls Club while serving at the Deputy Editor of arthouse film magazine Cinema Skyline and Managing Newsletter Editor of Bluestockings Bookstore. Abygai Peña’s work lives at the intersections of cinema, gender, activism, and the occult. Abygai Peña is utilizing her expertise to soon launch a new publication called Banshe Magazine which aims to deconstruct and decolonize femme images in media.