Manifesting The Reality We Want To Live In
manifesting the world we want to see requires us being the change we want to see and staying true to that vision regardless of if others disagree.
image @ndnlifestylist.
by Vei Darling.
Welcome to 2020! It’s not only a new year but a new decade. 2019 was a lot to process -- many people are feeling something akin to spiritual burnout. Totally understandable! Coming to understand all of the ways in which our lack of intentionality in our lives may have been affecting us has been exhausting, and we may feel we need some time to recover. A lot of people are tossing the idea of “New Year resolutions” out the window in lieu of lifetime resolutions, and I couldn’t agree more! Loading ourselves up with lofty and unrealistic ambitions only serves to weigh us down, creating a guilt complex when we seemingly fall short of whatever material goals we set.
Have compassion -- for yourself and for everyone else. Times are hard for us all; there’s no need to make it any harder
2020 may be the start of something new, but that also means it’s the end of something so old we may have forgotten that it wasn’t always there. Yes, I’m talking about the patriarchal traditions of the past that have kept all of us from actualizing our most authentic (and happy) selves! When we look around us, it may seem that we are consumed by chaos. It’s as simple as turning on the news for five minutes -- what you find is hardly pretty. But there is a beauty in all of the madness because it is so glaring that we can no longer ignore it, and when we look at our human family all over the world, we see righteous rage taking hold. Everyone is ready for a new deal.
Imagination is a key component in manifesting the reality we want to live in. Many of us know what we don’t want, but we can’t say for sure what we do want. Are we thinking about it? Are we envisioning it? How can we bring it to life if we never give it any? Manifesting the world we want to see requires us being the change we want to see and staying true to that vision regardless of if others disagree. We change the world just as it changes us, and if we choose to allow it to change us in ways that empower us collectively, we are choosing to change the world in a way that empowers the collective. We must push back against the negative, hateful messaging that pervades media today, reminding everyone and ourSelves that Love can (and will) win. We can have joy! We can have peace! All we need to do is believe.
Define your own metrics of success that are specific to you. Be realistic about who you are and what you want-- don’t feed into shame. You can reprogram your life with just a little tenacity and effort!
Now, what does this have to do with Intentions? Superficial changes in our lives will not manifest the peace we want to have. We have to know deep down, at our cores why we want certain things. Is it to impress others? Is it to feel accepted? Or is it because we believe it will empower and strengthen us? Because that stops being a “resolution” and starts being an investment -- in your life, your future, your general wellbeing, your quality of life! And nothing is worth more than that! When we approach “resolutions” and manifestation, it must be with intention. We must know and understand “why?”. And if you’re not asking “why?” constantly to yourself, you’re only scratching the surface. To manifest true wealth, true prosperity, and true abundance we must understand what that means to us, and we can only do so by knowing what our truth is.
Just because results aren’t showing up right now doesn’t mean they’ll never come. And just because you take some time to recover and reflect doesn’t mean you can’t get back to it. Life is a practice, that is Life is the repeated exercise in or performance of an activity or skill as to acquire or maintain proficiency in it. Keep returning to and adjusting your practice until little by little you get better until better becomes best.
The following Intention-Setting & Manifestation Guide and Workbook helps you to get down to the root so that we can shape our realities more effectively. It’s pretty heavy stuff, I must admit. When I first started this work, I got stumped on it myself. It was daunting and I felt like I needed to rush to meet some imagined timeline to fill in every little detail. There are still some parts that are not filled in from my original workbook. What I realized since then is that when it’s real and true, stemming from Spirit and not the mind or ego or society or what have you, it takes time. It takes time to reveal itself, it takes time to make itself felt and known. And while capitalism -- another system that is dead & dying -- may have us think otherwise, I promise you that we have all the time in the world. Simply thinking about setting an intention gets the Universe vibrating in that direction. The mere sense that we may want something in our lives changes the course of the future to reveal whatever it is to you -- whether it has been there all along or you must go on a journey to receive it. Take your time with this and revisit it often. It is in no way meant to be finished in a day, and I would be pretty surprised if you finished it within the year.
Life happens. Sometimes we fall off but that doesn’t mean we have to fall apart. Maybe what you thought you wanted was against what you needed. Maybe you found that you didn’t actually want it once you really felt it through. You can adjust. You can shift. Life is fluid, and we never stand in the same river twice. Be fluid and go with the flow -- you’ll get to wherever you need to go.
We all know the joke about New Year's resolutions -- in December, there are five people in the gym. In January, there are fifty. And by June, it’s back down to the same old five. Well, there’s nothing wrong with starting -- it’s continuing that’s the hard part. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Take your time, lay your foundation, listen to your head & your heart, and be compassionate with yourself. You’re not going to become a triathlete in two months. When you fall off, instead of shaming yourself, remember that life is a non-linear journey and that you can get back up and back on.
The holiday season is over now, but it doesn’t mean that we should stop being generous. Give yourself the gift of Inner Understanding. Give yourself the gift of Intentionality. Give yourself the gift of having dominion over your existence in ways that you may never have understood previously because this kind of gift is the kind that is everlasting and eternal.
I love you all truly + deeply and wish you the happiest start to the rest of your Lives ♡ xx vei ♡
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Click here to download the adjoining workbook.
Vei is our brand representative and will keep you in the know for all things the Club is up to. Outside the Club, Vei is working on her own artists' collaborative called ‘Viciouss Productions’ along with her holistic spirit integration practice called ‘The Sagittarius Woman.’ Check out her astrological horoscopes on the blog.