Sagittarius New Moon Insights
We are learning now, to lead more with our hearts and less with our heads.
Image Credit: @whighfield
By Vei Darling
Respecting divine timing and empowering ourselves through self-acceptance and love.
We are seeding—
Clarity, awareness, truth, understanding, compassion and patience.
During the New Moon, we plant seeds of intention and allow the Cancerian waters to help them grow. As we see our intentions take hold and unfold, we are called to remain present and observe what is working and what isn’t. When setting intentions for this Sagittarius New Moon, it’s important to keep in mind that we are learning now to lead more with our hearts and less with our heads.
The North Node, which represents what we are working towards karmically— is moving out of Leo and into Cancer. This signifies the purging of spiritual and emotional illness for humanity. This year has been empowering us with the North Node in Leo encouraging us to rise above the alienation that our differences from others may have fostered and to step into self-love, care, acceptance, validation, and advocacy. We have to be our biggest fans and best friends! We have seen that the love and care we want to give to everyone else is fully ours as well. As they say, fill your own cup before trying to fill others.
With Chiron retrograde in Neptune, we are stepping into our power and claiming our spiritual gifts. Collectively, we have been led from a place of learning to value and trust ourselves as the stars and we are now being told to lead with our hearts— not with our heads. In order to harness the power that we are embodying, whether we like it or not, we must be present. That might be difficult now as we have Mars in both Pisces and Neptune, which encourages us to fall into the trap of escapism, but we must be still, be present in pause and have the ability to sit with ourselves and face the truths of who we are.
However, with both Venus and Mercury transiting through Scorpio, sitting with the reality of our feelings and the ones we’ve been hiding from for a while now, become a bit difficult. But if Venus Retrograde taught us anything, it’s to honor and validate our desires and allow ourselves to be just who we are. All things done in the dark must come to light and it’s better to be honest now, than having your truth painfully revealed later on.
This new moon is a major key to seeing the expression of everything we have been waiting for and wading through. It’s been a hard year, but as Mercury goes direct and closes out the last retrograde of the year (Uranus goes direct on 6 January), we will finally receive all of the missing pieces that we needed to better understand the world we’re entering.
We all want a smooth transition into the world we’ve spent the past year building, but in order to receive it, we must first have faith! Jupiter once ruled Pisces alongside Sagittarius and these signs are known for their faith. But that doesn’t mean placing faith outside of us— it’s about having faith in ourselves, our gifts, our value and what we bring to the table. Mercury in Scorpio will make sure that we communicate these things no matter what comes our way.
We are now emboldened to rise to the occasions that which are unfolding. Now is the time to take the steps towards creating and living the life we deserve. Meet the challenges with an open heart, brimming with gratitude and SAY YES!
This is everything we’ve been waiting for— lean into it.