Your Sad Girl December ✨Tarotscopes✨
By Sophia Somerville
We are collectively being urged to wrap up 2018 with a fierce commitment to our personal truth.
In December, we transition from Sagittarius to Capricorn. Right now we are under the expansive influence of Sagittarius the Centaur, ruled by Jupiter. Sag pulled us out of Scorpio's transformative waters and into a 'more-is-more', freedom-focused mentality. This has felt much like a drag for some and a relief for many. Sagittarius wants us to dream big, aim high, get clear and soar. On December 22nd, we move into the hardworking earth sign of Capricorn, ruled by the planet Saturn. Capricorn energy compels us to align our actions with our aspirations; to climb the mountain on which our goals sit (the goals we articulated in Sagittarius season). Capricorn wants us to be disciplined in our work by planning with diligent care and perseverance. But I promise, the energy of December is progressive.
I pulled a tarot card for each zodiac sign, to illuminate what you are being invited to examine during December. I recommend reading for your sun, moon and rising signs, if you know all three. I used the classic Smith-Waite deck for this reading.
Ride the wave.
Oh, the swell of forward motion! You are no stranger to this sensation, are you dear Aries! You have been pushing yourself in the best possible way this year,directly towards personal accomplishment. The inner progress being made right now is no accident - it's all you and it’s all necessary. Make the most of the current momentum by surfing this progress like a wave. Be open to receive different (and better) outcomes than you envisioned, as the wave brings you to unexpected shores. You are so darn good at squeezing the most juice out of final weeks of the year. It is inspiring-as-hell, and others will be looking to you for encouragement and guidance. Take care of your nervous system this month by practicing deep breathing, deleting Instagram off your phone once a week, and going to bed at a reasonable hour.
Distract yourself with pleasure without ignoring what is real.
The demons you bravely faced during Scorpio season have left you weary and wanting to escape your reality. This is understandable - it is not easy shit to wade through. But it is imperative that you keep going. Don’t sweep the pain you have begun to process under the rug. Simply let it be there, even as you take care of yourself. Schedule necessary breaks into your schedule so you can rest, dance, laugh, masturbate, play the new spiderman game, whatever involves your healthy love of fantasy - but do not let yourself abandon the work you have already started. Let distractions refuel you so you can return to your life more joyous and full. As long as you resist letting fantasy become your life, you will be right as rain.
Own the space you occupy.
Last month, you clarified the purpose behind your goals and actions. Now it is time to embody that purpose. This month is all about owning the corner of the universe that you inhabit. Taking proud and powerful ownership your body, your aspirations and your beliefs. Becoming comfortable with your fears and celebrating your triumphs. This process takes a lot out of you, but will ultimately be worth it. It will lend a realistic perspective to the structures in your life, and will embolden you to not only initiate ventures, but follow through on what you start. Banish all apology for who you are and what you want - however complex and however specific. You are allowed to take up space, you are allowed to change your mind and you are here to thrive.
Be transformed by allowing things to be as they are.
The quality of allowing is important for you now more than ever. This month, take notice of what causes you to feel resistance in your life. What makes you want to interfere, disrupt or block your own progress? Does the prospect of opportunity feel threatening or too-much-to-handle, even if it is exactly what you've been asking for? Be wary of self-sabotage right now and let the good stuff to flow in - cos it's here and it’s coming right for you. There is a subtle alchemy that is created when we allow things to happen as they naturally want to, as opposed to forcing things to go a certain way. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the results this season yields for you. Surrender to what is, and write down your observations of what unfolds along the way.
Follow your inspiration.
You have been given the gift of element of fire, and it is here to help you connect with your inspiration. This can also be referred to as ‘the muse’, ‘intuition’ or 'pings'. For you, inspiration may come through in dreams, messages from the universe, music and art, conversations with friends or encounters with strangers. They are the downloads and whispers of ideas that come to you in the middle of the night or as you board the subway. The words that drop into your thoughts like honey or the answers that show up, miraculously, when you’ve just about given up hope. Your inspiration wants to be followed. As Rumi said, What you seek is seeking you. Follow where the muse leads. Trust their guidance. Record your findings, and get curious about the journey it takes you on.
Rest between tasks.
It really is that simple...or is it? You've just been through a whirlwind of change, an internal revolution of sorts. Don't expect to be rosy with transformation overnight. Your clean slate is tender and requires a period of restoration and gentle down-time. Some ideas: lie down with a cushion beneath your head and your legs up the wall. Get a deep-tissue massage or listen to an audiobook in bed. Pour CBD oil onto your entire life. Whatever form of inactivity you choose, make sure it leaves you feeling re-centered, soft and protected. Let yourself be unproductive.
Expand your horizons.
There's so much more out there for you lil’ Libras than you dare to imagine possible! This month begs you to look beyond your preferences. To gaze beyond your limitations. To entertain the possibility of greater empathy and self-responsibility equalling greater joy and contentment for you. Dwelling in possibility and opening yourself up to higher opportunity means you will enter 2019 with options rather than barriers. Don’t bring the past into your future. Put the effort in now and thank yourself later.
Revel in being seen.
2018 for you has been all about the healing of an old wound, and the resulting glow-up is oh-so real. Still, there is a tendency within you to over protect yourself from complete vulnerability, and to anticipate attacks on your character. December asks you to let the fullness of your light radiate out from your heart into the heart of the world. This is a time to really pamper yourself, pose like the queen you are, share your fears, dreams and accomplishments, and post as many damn selfies as you please. Illuminate your growth so that others may benefit from it. When you let your inner beauty shine, others are magnetically drawn to you, and this is part of your greater purpose whether you like it or not! No matter how scary vulnerability makes you feel, you will feel deeply rewarded from letting yourself be seen - not for the outside reactions it elicits but for how authentically YOU it makes you feel. Glow all the way up.
Feel it all.
This month, challenge yourself to stay in your own energy field. There is a tendency for you during your beloved Sag season to go really big and cast your net wide. While expansion is your birthright, it is imperative that you maintain personal boundaries and protect yourself from energy vampires. Taking the time to draw a line between your energy and outside influences reminds you to stay in the present moment, and to really BE in the joy, pain, confusion, and magnificence of whatever is happening to you and for you. Not only does this bring greater flow and ease to your day-to-day life, dedicating yourself to the present moment also means you won’t miss out on any intuitive hits or clues from your inner wisdom. Anytime you feel yourself drift away, connect with the soles of your feet, or whatever part of you is touching the ground. Enjoy being in the seat of your experience this month, Sag. You deserve it.
Call upon your inner reserves of power.
Your strength is not outside of you. Your strength lies in your very breath, in the depths of your belly, in the seat of your soul. Right now you may be very tired and frustrated, forcing yourself up steep hills and committing yourself to tasks for the sake of it. Take a load off. Sit down. Recalibrate. Remember that strength is quiet and delicate and can absolutely be conjured. It can be coaxed out of hiding and it wants to help you move forward with softness. Strength answers to every call, so all you have to do this month is be willing to dial the right number. Determine what it is that you need, open your mouth and ask for it. Speak yourself into strength.
Fight only for what is necessary.
Your progress has been halted by a series of roadblocks. Perhaps mercury retrograde hit you hard, or you're letting people's opinions dictate your choices. Wherever you are, don't waste your precious time trying to make everything work out perfectly. Prioritize what requires the most finesse, the most of YOU, and give what you can to that and that alone. The other stuff can wait; the other stuff can dissipate. This is a time for wise discernment as you reshuffle your priorities. Only the important things need to be packed for 2019. Take out the trash before the year is out.
Everything you need, you already possess.
You've got everything you need to bring your dreams to fruition. Believe that hype. There is nothing you need to buy or have or fabricate in order to do what you want to do. It’s TIME. You have been given a real opportunity here - the green light is flashing right at you - to make shit happen quickly. This month also relates to a connection with your divine audience - the folks who are energetically picking up what you are putting down. It'd be a real shame if you were the only one to see your ideas come to light. Feel free to create in your cave of secrecy, but intend to let the world see your handiwork eventually. This card wants you to realize what was placed on the back-burner a long time ago, which you have regretted ever since. Time to come out of hiding, little fishies. Your crowd is waiting patiently.