July/August Tarotscopes: Leo Medicine, Leading With Love
the query will be simple: how can we all lead from our hearts?
image via instagram.
by Abygai Peña.
Leo are known for their dramatic flair, gorgeous hair, and desire to be in the spotlight. I know this because I am a Leo. Welcome to Leo season, I’m Abygai and I’ll be your host. Thinking about the Leos in your life can be a mixed bag. Like with any people born under each sign, we all have a shadow side. For Leos who are operating out of line with their highest good you may notice a real selfishness and egotism. This is because a low functioning Leo has become out of touch with their hearts. They’ve given up on their dreams, they no longer have a community, and they’ve stopped spreading joy. Yes, Leos often find themselves at center stage but when they are most true to form you’ll find that they want their fellow co-stars to join them in finding the light.
A true blue Leo wants you to feel as confidence and valuable as they feel. They are the sun and don’t you forget that every planet revolves around the sun. We’ve talked a little about the Leos in your life. Hopefully, you can find the medicine in their strength, generosity, and kindness. Not to be a total Leo in saying that but it is true. I think what would be even more valuable would be to talk about the Lion in myth and popular culture.
The Leo horoscope is forever memorialized in the stars. The constellation of Leo is most likely commemorating the myth of the Nemean Lion who was killed by Heracles (also known as Hercules) during his twelve labors. The Nemean Lion was tormenting a town and was immune to the wrath of weapons. The Nemean Lion was finally killed after an additional attempt by Heracles with his bare hands. Hera (Goddess of Marriage) memorialized the Nemean Lion in the stars. This myth is more about Hera’s vengeance for Heracles rather than lessons from the lion. What this myth does show us is the fierceness and mercilessness of a lion’s shadow side.
I believe that pop culture lions show us more about what we can take away from this year’s Leo Season. Think of the Cowardly Lion from The Wizard of Oz who is constantly paralyzed by fear. The Cowardly Lion allows his fear to consume him and it takes a revelation for him to learn that bravery is standing up to fear. It is okay to be afraid. It takes courage to step up to the plate and face your fears. L. Frank Baum was smart not to make the Cowardly Lion’s heart missing as Leo rules over the heart. Most of the themes surrounding the lion relate directly to matters of the heart. Bravery and courage need vulnerability.
For this tarotscope, I will be using The Lover’s Path tarot deck by Kris Waldherr to take a look at our hearts more closely. The query will be simple: how can we all lead from our hearts? Simple task but, hard to do.
Nine of Arrows Upright
Much like the character in the scene something stressful is keeping you up at night. The Nine of Arrows is speaking to a type of heartbreak or anxiety that is making it hard to go about your daily life. For you dear Aries–the sign of the individual–I believe that you already know what is bothering you. You are very in-tune with your own needs. My sense is that you either don’t want to deal with what’s bothering you or you are having trouble letting go. For your heart’s sake, take some time to grieve and let this one go. You’ll be better for it.
Knight of Coins Upright
Taurus, your practical nature speaks volumes when relating to your heart. You are known for your stability. However, this card suggests that your heart is in a place of building wealth be that emotional or monetary. This card is also a positive sign that your investments will be paying off soon. Best of luck in building your empire, Taurus.
Six of Cup Reversed
Life isn’t what you dreamed of as a child, Gemini. And, the Six of Cups Reversed is a message that your disappointment is valid. You’ve been spending time reflecting on your past desires and that’s been getting you down. What is important to understand is that our wants, needs, and desires change over time. You are not letting yourself down if you are not where you expected to be at this age. This reminder is a good opportunity to reevaluate exceptions you set for yourself.
Ten of Arrows Reversed
Your heart is cloudy, Cancer. The Ten of Arrows Reversed tells us that you are feeling overwhelmed with all the information coming your way. The suit of arrows is about wisdom and knowledge. Right now you are blocked from leveling up in your wisdom. You have to tend to your emotions first. Nurture yourself through this. You must relax so you don’t mistake the forest for the trees.
Contemplation Reversed
You’re withdrawn, Leo. Taking time to retreat into yourself can sometimes be necessary. However, the Contemplation Reversed card tells us that you not only feel disconnected from the world but, also yourself. In order to lead with your heart, you must center yourself with your heart.
Seven of Coins Reversed
You work hard, Virgo. And, everyone knows it. The Seven of Coins Reversed signals that right now you are feeling restless and anxious about seeing the results of your hard work. Leading with your heart will take patience and confidence. Trust your hard work as it will speak for itself. Good things take time. You must play the long game.
Transformation Reversed
I’m sorry that this may hurt your diplomatic sensibilities but Libra you need to get your ass movin’. The Transformation Reversed card is calling you out for being stubborn or rigid about change. I understand that change is scary but you know that there are pros and cons for everything. This card is calling on you to be open and flexible for transformation. You can lead with your heart and understand that is okay if you get hurt or feel uncomfortable in the process of change. Don’t let that fear get in your way of leveling up.
Two of Coins Reversed
Oh no, Scorpio. You are feeling stretched thin. You have been over promising and are now feeling worn out. You can lead with your heart by feeling empowered to advocate for yourself. Say “no” to new tasks that fall in your lap and reevaluate your commitment. But, first things first, give yourself some downtime. Burn out is not fun and you do not need to push yourself this hard.
Eight of Staves Reversed
You’re annoyed, Sag. You are naturally quick and spontaneous. The Eight of Staves Reversed tells us that you have been waiting for others around you to get things moving. If you want to follow your heart, make the first move. You are a great initiator, you just need the confidence.
Six of Staves Reversed
Capricorn, the workhorse (or goat) of the zodiac. The challenge you are experiencing is that your work is or victories are not being recognized. Although no one has ever probably called you a slouch, somehow your silent moves are not being appreciated by your colleagues. Your heart should lead with your natural quiet confidence. If they don’t see you now, don’t worry. They will notice when you’re at the top and you’ll get there whether they watch you climb or not.
Ace of Arrows Reversed
Aquarius, you are having disagreements with your close friends or special someone. The Ace of Arrows Reversed claims that this is because you are saying thoughtless things or are not being attentive enough to those closest to you. I know you have a reputation for being cool and aloof. If your heart is telling you that you need some alone time, let your loved ones know it verbally. They will be understanding and you will get your needs met without breaking any hearts.
Queen of Cups Reversed
You are no stranger to feelings, Pisces. However, the Queen of Cups Reversed warns that you are feeling overwhelmed by complicated emotions. Lead with your heart and take some time to process what you are feeling. One foot in front of the other. This could be your emotions and those around you. Either way, you are picking up on a lot right now and you should give yourself the space.
Abygai Peña is a Manhattan-bound feminist filmmaker and writer who contributes to BUST Magazine and Sad Girls Club while serving at the Deputy Editor of arthouse film magazine Cinema Skyline and Managing Newsletter Editor of Bluestockings Bookstore. Abygai Peña’s work lives at the intersections of cinema, gender, activism, and the occult. Abygai Peña is utilizing her expertise to soon launch a new publication called Banshe Magazine which aims deconstructs and decolonizes femme images in media.