Ancient Ways for Modern Women
image @afropunk
by Le’ Jai La Troi
The body is sacred. A temple for us to expand in while exploring ourselves. As we experience the ebb and flow of life we are confronted with its duality. We find ourselves in situations that bring us joy and others that bring us pain we don’t know how to process or release. Physically, we begin to store these unwanted situations lodging them in our heart, mind, womb and body. If not addressed, they continue to grow and dictate how we move forward. As the divine feminine re-emerges into our modern awareness, we are speaking out on the patriarchy and the injustices and abuses women face around the world while leaning on the practices of our foresisters. As women, we carry the burden of the women who came before us, of the mothers, daughters, sisters and aunts. When you were in your mother’s womb all the eggs you will ever carry and shed monthly were inside of her. Just as our moon cycles sync when we are together so does the thread that connects us and the history of the feminine. The feminine is not defined through gender because all of life carries this energy just as it carries the masculine. We have the option to continue to carry this burden or to help heal it.
When we share ourselves sexually there is an exchange of vibrations that go through all involved and as women our bodies can become storage for unwanted energies. This also calls for awareness of all foreign products we use internally. By becoming aware of these things we help change the narrative. We are now remembering the practices of the women who have walked before us. Yoni eggs, yoni steams and waist beads are emerging again in the mainstream world. All ancient practices with healing properties. The Sanskrit word “yoni” comes from Hinduism and is used as a symbol to describe the goddess Shakti who has the power to create the universe. Yoni translates to “womb,” “source” or “vagina”. Though today we typically just use it to describe the genitals of women it is more than that. The yoni is the divine passage, the understanding that the feminine is sacred and a portal capable of bringing light to the world from a place beyond the physical plane. Connecting with the divine radiance that you carry within yourself and honoring your power by welding a relationship with your yoni is a beautiful way to heal. Today we have many people sharing their wisdom on yoni eggs and yoni steams. They can both help you release, restore and rejuvenate while addressing your overall wellbeing.
Yoni Eggs
The history of yoni eggs goes back to Ancient China and Taoism, though its exact origins are unknown. Taoism is a science of the body that works to harmonize the flow of energy to live a healthier, happier, longer and wiser life. From what we know, the yoni egg was a Taoist tool used by women to better understand their bodies and to cultivate wisdom over their sexual energy. This had physical and spiritual benefits. Since our yoni can create and transmute life force (chi) we can work with this energy to bring in what we desire in life such as health, abundance, clarity or accomplishing a goal. Traditionally Jade was the stone used for yoni eggs but our modern times have expanded offering various crystals. There are some made of rose quartz that bring a loving energy that can help you receive and nurture the love you give others. Others are made of citrine, obsidian, amethyst and more. Obsidian is a great stone to use to free yourself of energy you don’t need or that may have been left by a partner. Try it after sleeping with someone and feel yourself come back to your center. Using yoni eggs is a holistic practice that will help you align with yourself, manifest your intention and to heal. Before using them, clean them with water, sage, or another smudge. Then you can program them, while having the yoni egg in your hand express what you would like it to help you with, maybe to clear, heal or empower. Don’t forget to charge them with the full moon for extra vibrant love!
image @glowmaven
Yoni Steams
Curious what a yoni steam is and what it can do for you? Used throughout the world by many cultures, the ancient practice of vaginal steaming combines the healing and wisdom of plants to align women back into their power. Various herbs are combined, steeped and sat over so that the warmth of the steam permeates the yoni. When steaming you want to wrap a towel or have on a long skirt to cover the brew so that the steam does not escape. This traditional healing modality has been passed down by Mayan midwives who call them “bajos". Mayan midwives used them as well with a focus on postpartum treatment to heal, cleanse and tone the womb after birth. Yoni steams can help regulate the moon cycle, get rid of cramps, heal your womb, detoxify the body, and increase self-confidence. They can aid in healing your relationship with your sexuality whether due to abuse or other personal experiences. Steaming connects you to the sacredness of your body, the goddess energy that radiates throughout you and is a relaxing experience. It’s a spa day for your yoni and during you can journal, meditate, play music, or just connect to the sensations of the warmth. Exploring steaming is a great way to honor the feminine within you while releasing and transmuting your mind, body, spirit connection. Note: Steaming should be experienced before or after your moon cycle and not during. The herbs you use also matter because they all affect and heal us differently. Just like with yoni eggs you can set your intention prior to steaming and allow yourself to receive.
Waist Beads
Another practice that is making its way to the West are waist beads. Waist beads are believed to date back to ancient Egypt when they were called “girdles” and worn as a status symbol by women. This African tradition can be found in Yoruba, Ghana, West Africa which has a rich culture around them, and now throughout the world. These adorned accessories come in various shapes, sizes, colors and are decorated with crystals, symbols and charms to rest on the waist or hips. You may find them with cowrie shells or with a Hamsa which is an ancient Middle Eastern protective talisman believed to protect, bring abundance, health, fertility and luck. Besides being beautiful sensual pieces they promote body positive awareness and can be found on women of all shapes embracing themselves. They bring the wearer into their femininity, sexuality, protect the womb energetically and are a symbolic adornment that connects one to their spiritual wellbeing. Wearing waist beads asks you to honor your body by coming back to your sensuality and using this power to align your everyday life. Today, like throughout history, women are setting their intention for the beads and our remembering this tradition. Whether asking to channel sensual energy to creative projects, using them to be mindful of health or to heal the womb this jewelry can be a holistic way to embrace yourself.
Addressing our divine feminine and power within our body offers us space to embrace honoring ourselves. Throughout history, women gathered in sacred sisterhood to weave, nurture, and communicate ways to heal in matriarchal societies. We have always been connected to our intuition, the waves of Grandmother Moon and the tides of the Mother Earth. Today we are coming back to the wise woman wisdom we all carry. We are coming back to doulas and midwives as modern doctors show they cannot be trusted in a delivery room, especially if you are a black woman. Some share the power of their menstrual cycle by offering their blood to the Earth. An ancient practice that offers nutrition to the land and was used to help crops grow while honoring the planet as a living being. We are remembering the Red Tent, the sacred connection between ourselves and cycles by connecting with the knowledge of the sacred goddess. All through embracing the yoni and smashing the patriarchy. As we continue to heal ourselves let's remember what we wish to leave our current as well as the next generation of mothers, daughters, sisters and women of all creeds.
Le’ Jai’ La Troi is a writer, Reiki master, medium, herbalist, channel and psychic who accesses the Akashic Records allowing her to connect with the past, present and future. She integrates knowledge of various indigenous and traditional healing practices to empower individuals to take healing back into their own hands with a practical plan to realign them in true health. She has a passion for holistic practices and sharing her gifts to help others enrich their lives spiritually, mentally and physically. Le’ Jai’ La’s wellness brand Akashic Remedies is a holistic apothecary that offers herbal remedies, healing modalities, readings, ceremonies, workshops and other events. Through Akashic Remedies Le’ Jai’ La seeks to curate containers for conscious expansion while providing tools for you to discover yourself.