Pisces Season Insights
it stands to reason, then, that in order to find the Kindness, Love, Harmony, Compassion, and Joy we have been searching for, we first must give it to Ourselves.
image @badgalriri.
by Vei Darling.
As the sun enters into the sign of Pisces, we are being called to forgive— forgive not only those who have hurt us but ourselves. We have really been calling to embody more compassion since the North Node shifted into Cancer in 2019, but we cannot give others what we do not have ourselves. It stands to reason, then, that in order to find the Kindness, Love, Harmony, Compassion, and Joy we have been searching for, we first must give it to Ourselves. This has been one of the major themes of this current Collective Ascension we are experiencing, which is all about healing how we love! If 2019 was about healing the Self through healing the Heart, 2020 is indisputably about showing up as our Highest Self and shaping the world in that image. No longer must we live a life that is not aligned with the reality of who we are at our deepest core level. It’s time to take the lead and shape our world to be more like the one inside of us.
Mercury Retrograde
It's you, it's you / it's all for you / Everything I do ☽
Before we get into the chart for Pisces season, it’s necessary to touch on Mercury Retrograde. Without even looking at the chart, we know that this one is going to get us in our bags and make us feel those feels. I know at least half of you are screaming “ewwwwww” “nooooo” or “why?????” Well, starting 17 February, Mercury will be traveling retrograde through Pisces, so this energy is intense. Neptune has already been in it’s home sign of Pisces for the past eight years (3 Feb 2012), so this is nothing new. This transit catalyzed a mass spiritual awakening in the human Collective Consciousness that is elevating our race to new heights that we have never seen before. With Pisces there’s a promise of Heaven on Earth, and for the past eight years we have been doing a lot of work to make that a reality. Star Seeds are Awakening, Indigo Children finding their Voices, and Light Workers & Shadow Workers stepping up to the plate to make Life worth living again.
Mercury rules communication and is very electric. Fun fact -- water conducts electricity. Whatever needs to be communicated now will be whether you like it or not. It’s out in the Cosmos now, and everyone is super sensitive to Collective Downloads (coming into information, this time from Collective Consciousness). If you have been hiding and avoiding telling people things, the time for that is over. The sooner you rip off the Band-Aid, the better. The moon will be almost directly on the Ascendant in Sagittarius, making a lovely trine to Venus. It’s time to go hard or go home about what we want, and the flames of passion will not be quelled! The Sun lines up with Fortuna in Aquarius, sextiling Venus in Aries and Uranus in Taurus to create a triangle of ease that will open new Portals of vibrant energy for us. This astrological event is calling for us to be fearless and brave about whatever it is that gets our engines going-- be it a person, place, practice. Whatever noun your Heart has been calling out for, the Universe is going to open up every opportunity for you to get it. The less you latch onto things getting in your way, the less you focus on the things that you are afraid of, the less you give into harmful, toxic ideation, the better things will go for you in this time. Life is not happening to us, it’s happening for us! Every obstacle that pops up (an ex-lover or hater, perhaps) will be a challenge for you to stay Aligned with who you truly are (at your Core and at your Best) to let the Universe know: I am ready! I am ready for the peace, the prosperity, the abundance, the love! When we declare it, when we stake our claim and know that it is ours to have and to hold, the Universe will give it to us-- we just have to act in accordance. We have to allow ourSelves to have it. We have to make ourSelves vessels to hold it. Have you made yourSelf and your Life a safe place for all that you’ve asked for?
There’s no way that Mercury retrograde in Pisces won’t color Capricorn season a vibrant tinge of red, but that electric blue that can be so enticing still is there! Remember that all of this is to help you, but you have to help yourSelf. Being entitled and ungrateful is such an ugly vibe-- move through this time with patience and grace for best results.
image @badgalriri.
Pisces Season
Heaven is a place on Earth where you / tell me all the things you want to do ♡
Pop Astrology focuses mainly on the Personal Planets: the Sun, the Moon, Venus, Mars, and Mercury. We also have the Social Planets (Jupiter and Saturn) and the Transpersonal Planets (Neptune, Pluto, and Uranus). The Social Planets are said to influence our interactions with others because they rule our boundaries. It would be easy to say that Jupiter is about giving and Saturn about taking, but it’s more like Jupiter is about giving AND taking whereas Saturn is more about retaining (and at a very important but not nearly talked about enough level, letting go). Transpersonal planets move much slower than the other planets (Saturn takes 24-29 years to make a full circle around the Sun). They are thought, then, to impact the Collective generationally, meaning that the commonalities of each generation stem from the placements of their Transpersonal Planets. Many Millennials have Pluto in it’s home of Scorpio as well as Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn. This shapes our integral systems of value, faith, and power on a very real level. As a Reader and an Energy Worker, the non-Personal Planets speak to karma-- especially Pluto.
Stelliums occur when there are (some say) three (some say four) placements in a sign or house— it creates a massive concentration of that signs energy being transmitted through the planets. With the ascent of Pisces season, we have six placements currently positioned in Capricorn, setting the stage for a huge karmic reckoning. This means that Mars, the South Node (a deeply powerful karmic placement), the Moon, Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn will all be channeling enormous amounts of Saturn energy, especially because Saturn has been in its home sign of Capricorn since 2017. It will transit into Aquarius on 21 March 2020, but only after a retrograde back into Cap starting 1 July, we won’t be solidly in the clear of Saturn being in Capricorn until 17 Dec 2020. This may seem like the dawn of a new and easier day, but out of the frying pan and into the fire as they say. Saturn will then transit into the sign it ruled before the discovery of Uranus: Aquarius.
So what does this all mean in layman's terms? It means that we have spent the last few years excavating all of the relics of our past Lives, trials, traumas, and tribulations and reconciling with them so that we can move on. With an even three-to-three split of placements in the XI and XII Houses (both very karma related), we can expect there to be a divine balance being brought into the very core of our Lives. Mars, the South Node, and the Moon are all in XI, which is the domain of Saturn/Uranus-ruled Aquarius. We are more than ready to break free of the old structures that have imprisoned us in a state of disharmony. Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn are all in XII, which is the domain of Neptune-ruled Pisces. With the Sun joining Mercury (Rx) and Neptune here, these major heavy-hitting planets are shaking off the old beliefs of unworthiness, shame, and imperfection and being imbibed with the understanding that only we set our value -- nobody and nothing else.
image @badgalriri.
Fortuna has just made its way into Aries, where it is meeting up with Black Moon Lilith, Chiron, and Venus. As a Healer and Reader, Fortuna, Lilith, and Chiron are very important placements that I always look at-- usually before checking the Personal Planets. With them all clustered towards the second half of II House in Aries, this is really about taking control of the Spaces that we hold. If something in your environment is throwing you off your game, messing with your Vibration, pulling you out of Flow -- get rid of it. No more ifs, ands, or buts. No more excuses. There will always be an excuse to not do the thing that intimidates you, but living a Life of inaction rooted in fear and intimidation only causes disharmony, malcontent, unhappiness, and resentment. I think it goes without saying that we are all pretty tired of experiencing lives full of those things.
Uranus has been in Taurus for a while causing massive seismic change in our environments, including on the world stage. Taurus rules the second house, so all of those placements I mentioned just now? They’re getting a huge cosmic upgrade, thrusting us into the future! Did you really think you’d get everything you wanted without having to let go of some other stuff? Instead of focusing on things you don’t even like that much, that hardly give you any real fulfillment, do yourSelf a favor and LET IT GO! And good riddance! Feel your feelings (there will be a lot of them), but do not get mired in them. Process them and free yourSelf for all the bountiful abundance that you’ve been calling unto you. Yes, Heaven on Earth can be real -- if you choose to make it so.
The Universe has a set of algorithms called Universal Laws. These are like the Law of Attraction, the Law of Least Resistance, the Laws of Physics. The Universe is an electromagnetic mirror that gives you back exactly what vibrations, tones, and frequencies you put out. If you’re putting out angry, hateful, spiteful, fearful vibes-- that’s exactly what will manifest in your Life. If you’re putting out sweet, friendly, comfy, safe vibes, your Life will start to reflect that. Everything that happens to us is a response to us, subconscious or otherwise. While that may be true, the true Flow of the Universe is also Love and Togetherness and Harmony. It’s all that this Universe is about, so everything that happens in the Universe happens to put us back into Alignment with our Higher Selves. This Pisces season is about creating Paradise right here, right now. There is no time like the present because there is no time BUT the present. What we do now creates the future, so do yourSelf a favor and create one that you actually want to live in. Things may look bleak, but it is not the time to give up on yourSelf or the Collective. Fall in Love with the Universe. Fall in Love with yourSelf. Choose yourSelf. Choose joy. Choose happiness. Choose resonance. Choose peace, balance, harmony. Choose peace. And all those things will choose you! Wellness looks good on you, honey.
I love you all, truly + deeply ♡
Vei is our brand representative and will keep you in the know for all things the Club is up to. Outside the Club, Vei is working on her own artists' collaborative called ‘Viciouss Productions’ along with her holistic spirit integration practice called ‘The Sagittarius Woman.’ Check out her astrological horoscopes on the blog.