Finding Empowerment Through Shadow Work
The goal may differ from person to person but overall we are seeking to understand ourselves and heal deep-rooted wounds.
image @emmapure_.
What exactly is shadow work? It is getting to know your subconscious, unconscious mind or the shadow side, which doesn’t mean its bad, it’s just unknown. This part of ourselves sometimes doesn’t have a voice to speak and thus creates an echo in our mind. As we work on our shadow we clear our subconscious and reprogram it to benefit us. Imagine a house, the subconscious is like a cluttered attic which has a lot of things stored and left to become dusty. So we have to tend to the attic, reorganize it, take out the things we no longer need and clean what we want. Things that happened in your childhood may be stored in the attic, patterns that no longer serve you, a defense mechanism that your ego uses to protect you but bring sadness, not feeling worthy or fear of stepping in your light.
As you start this journey, think about how you would be with a newborn child— tender, gentle, loving and patient. This is how you should treat yourself as you begin the journey of meeting your shadow and nurturing this part of you. There are many approaches and practices you can use to do shadow work. The work can be down daily, monthly or when you feel you can mentally dive into the depths. Each time you do this work you will go into a space within yourself needing light, needing to be heard and surface with some perspective.
The goal may differ from person to person but overall we are seeking to understand ourselves and heal deep-rooted wounds.
There are many things we are called to share this life with others our passion, kind words, laughter, a smile or ears to listen. As we give ourselves the space to heal, rewrite our story and develop a true understanding of who we are within we can offer this to our peers. Thus making the world a more beautiful place to live.
We exist in a modern society that is teaching outside validation as a false priority so we have to be diligent to harbor a true understanding of ourselves. We all have that shadow side within us that we need to sit down and have tea with. Talk to them, ask them why they are sad or angry, offer them more love, more understanding and yes even more love. Again, this work is to be done from a space of love. It may also be helpful to do it with a friend or while listening to healing meditation music. Shadow work is a door to truly being empowered in yourself, life and path.
3 Ways to honor your shadow side
Deep listening
What is your shadow trying to say to you? How can you listen to yourself with love and less judgment? Ask yourself where in your body you feel anger, fear, unworthiness, and self-doubt live. Say the feeling, breathe into it and observe where you feel the sensation physically. Imagine sending white or pink light into that part of the body and move on to the next feeling.
Swapping old patterns for new
Instead of criticizing yourself compliment what you are doing right. Introduce a more positive dialogue with yourself. Start a new hobby that brings excitement. Exchange self-destructive habits for something more productive. Create more routines that foster your growth like meditation, yoga, dancing, daily gratitude journal and affirmations.
Write it out
Start a daily journal where you write out when your shadow was present throughout the day and ways you nourished it or can in the future to respond better. Also, write all the good things that you did that day. As you write more you may be able to observe patterns that cause your shadow to react. This will help you notice your behavior and actively work to create new ways of handling situations from a space of love.
Many of us have narratives about ourselves that are outdated and can no longer help us as we grow into our best, happier, healthier and more radiant selves. As we begin to understand our shadow we start to peel away the misunderstanding of ourselves and create a mental environment that will foster more love and bring more pleasure into our lives. There is no greater gift than knowing all of you, so why not offer yourself this pursuit.
Le’ Jai’ La Troi is a writer, Reiki master, medium, herbalist, channel and psychic who accesses the Akashic Records allowing her to connect with the past, present and future. She integrates knowledge of various indigenous and traditional healing practices to empower individuals to take healing back into their own hands with a practical plan to realign them in true health. She has a passion for holistic practices and sharing her gifts to help others enrich their lives spiritually, mentally and physically. Le’ Jai’ La’s wellness brand Akashic Remedies is a holistic apothecary that offers herbal remedies, healing modalities, readings, ceremonies, workshops, and other events. Through Akashic Remedies, Le’ Jai’ La seeks to curate containers for conscious expansion while providing tools for you to discover yourself.