Sad Girl Tarotscopes - February
i’ve been thinking a lot about February as the love month and how that definition itself seems mismanaged especially given its origin.
image @ledivinechild.
by Abygai Peña.
This February our monthly theme is Love Redefined. I’d don’t know about the other Sad Girls but, I have always loved the clichéd, red hearts and roses on full display this time of year even despite my past allergy to long term relationships. Now that I’m almost three years into a relationship I have learned that fantasy and reality can only overlap so much. I think I’ve experienced much romantic disappointment due to mismanaged expectations. In short, I’ve been thinking a lot about February as the love month and how that definition itself seems mismanaged especially given its origin.
The first question on my mind, why the hell is Valentine’s Day during Aquarius season?? Aquarius “why they are so cold” season. When I think of this sign I think of collective consciousness, revolution, social uprising. More radical imagery than rose petals, incense, and kittens. During my research I found that Elite Daily contributor Valerie Mesa tackles this conundrum perfectly, “The Greeks believe Cecrops, ruler of an ancient kingdom known as Attika and founder of Athens, responsible for civilizing mankind and establishing a monogamous marriage. At the time, men were still free to lie with courtesans, but with the institution of matrimony, the marriages ultimately determined who was in charge of the woman. Furthermore, Gamelion, which means a wedding in Greek, was the month for marriage, which took place between mid-January and mid-February. In the Athenian calendar, it was the month in which the most Athenian weddings took place.” Mesa explains this marital institution and the effect of the fixed nature of Aquarius.
However, Aquarius does invoke themes of collective consciousness, change, structure, and connectivity. This could be translated into the necessity of marriage as an institution that legally binds humans to one another. This way we are in some ways held accountable for one another. On deeper inspection, this radical responsibility to other people might be on the nose in the humanitarian Aquarius season. Now that we’ve taken a deeper look into the history of lovey dovey month let’s dig deep into our own love tarotscopes for the month of February. While drawing these cards from the rather traditional Waite-Smith Deck I meditated on how we can strengthen our love whether that is with ourselves or others. Call me lame if you want but I truly believe that love is a potent healing force that can give us so much strength. Okay, so I might be listening to Adele (and openly sobbing) while writing this article…
Don’t forget to check your Sun, Moon, or Venus card for the most accurate results!
The Star
So glad to congratulate you! You are no longer going through it. The Star card comes after the tower in the major arcana which may signify that you are leaving a difficult time in your life and are now entering a beautifully vulnerable place of new hope and revitalization. You are digging deep and learning from your messy past. You can strengthen your love through believing that the universe has your best interest at hand. You’ve just been doing so much difficult learning and now you’re probably feeling pretty vulnerable. Not to worry, please remember that this is all part of your path.
The Tower
Okay. So we are going through it. The Tower is kind of a drama queen as far as tarot cards go. The Tower denotes a time of destruction and chaos which yes, sounds and is scary. Just know that you’re headed for repair and rebuild afterward. You will pick up the pieces after this tumultuous period ends. What I would tell you as a friend is that this chaotic period does not make you a terrible person. This card forces you to grow. Whatever crashing waves you are wade will serve as a lesson to learn and grow from. For you, Taurus, focus on the growth. Deeping your love for yourself this month looks like keeping a positive perspective and encouraging yourself to grow. We are always stronger than we think we are.
The High Priestess
Some divine wisdom we’re seeing here Gemini. Whether you are new to a spiritual path or just becoming reinspired on the one you’ve already started The High Priestess card is a sign that you are in your own power as you grow spiritually. But, you already know that because this card is telling you to trust your intuition. You already know everything you need to know. Take this tarotscope to strengthen and nurture your spiritual side.
Page of Wands
This is a card of inspiration. You may have tons and tons of new and exciting ideas bouncing around your head. The Page of Wands is a reminder to stay grounded during all the commotion. You might have to settle on one idea at a time, make a plan for actualizing your creative projects, or find a mentor that can help give you guidance. Although the idea of planning might not be as sexy as your innovative ideas the Page of Wands advises you to plant your feet firmly on the ground so that you make your dreams a reality. Having a plan and partaking in some healthy pragmatism is your act of self-love this month. Find strength in creating some structure on your path to success.
Knight of Pentacles Reversed
You’re stuck. The Knight of Pentacles Reversed is suggesting that you reevaluate how you’re currently attempting to move closer to your goals. This is pointing to a couple of things involving your routine. If you are feeling stagnant examine your current schedule, is it too rigid it could be stifling your creative output. However, this could also be a sign that you need to build a structure if you don’t already have one that will keep you on track. Remember, nothing works if you don’t. Find your strength in focusing on building your routine around action oriented tasks that will bring you closer to your goals. Additionally, check in with yourself as you’re developing your path to success. If you feel like it’s too strict switch it up. You can listen to your needs on your way to the throne. Beware of perfectionism Leo. Being authentic will serve you more than perfection.
7 of Wands Reversed
Oh Virgo, the 7 of Wands Reversed is trying to affirm that you have a lot on your plate right now and that you could be feeling a lot of pressure from expectations around you. Whether your family and friends don’t approve of your choices or people in your life just keep asking for more than you can give. Please just remember that none of those people have to live YOUR life. Show yourself some love by checking in with yourself. Do you have too much on your plate? Be honest and remember that if you’re honest and vulnerable with people they will likely understand. Find the strength to say “no” and stand your ground. You come first. ;-)
Page of Swords Reversed
The Page of Swords is about communication. When reversed there are things that need more clarity or are going unsaid. This card is a sign that you should find strength in being direct with people about what you can and can’t provide. Honor yourself by setting reasonable and attainable expectations for yourself and others. It’s better to underpromise and over-deliver. It allows you to manage expectations and complete tasks in a more realistic way. You got this! And, you deserve to take your time as long as you are clear with others about your capacity.
7 of Swords
Traditionally, the 7 of Swords is about lying and attempting to get away with shady things. If this is the case Scorpio note that we see you. If you are choosing to harm others for personal gain you could get away with it but at what cost? Losing the trust of people in your life. That’s your business. However, this card could also point to a situation where you need to be more methodical with how you interact with others or what information you give away freely. Good luck. I’d suggest that you find strength in your empathy and ability to be in tune with others. If you are planning on hurting someone else please remember that human beings are not just pawns in a game. Deepen your connection with the wellbeing of others. You are prone to selfishness. Luckily, you have complete control over yourself and your actions.
Two of Wands Reversed
Holding space is certainly a part of our current vernacular and hopefully, that means that you’ll be able to find more resources on how you can hold space for yourself. The Two of Wands reversed is asking you to pause and reconnect with yourself in the mundane world. You might be dealing with fatigue, difficult decisions, or feeling like you are not following your passions. The good news is that you are in control of your life. These challenges can be emotionally draining. Show yourself some love by taking a break and relaxing so that you can get in touch with yourself. You will find strength in your clarity, I promise. You just have to give yourself a breather.
Queens of Wands
You are really feeling yourself this month Capricorn! As you should “you work hard and grind till you own it.” The Queen of Wand is pointing towards your creative endeavors and social connections as the fuel for you this month. Self love could look like deepening your socializing. RSVP to a few events this month and share your ideas with others. This is a great power source for you. There is strength in sharing your vitality this month.
8 of Wands Reversed
Hey Aquarius. Where’s the fire? The 8 of Wands Reversed is telling you to slow down. You might have had a plan that you want to rush forward and implement but, the 8 of Wands is straight up saying that this is not the time. It’s okay to slow down and reevaluate or even wait for better circumstances to execute. That could lead to more fruitful projects. Be strategic about the energy around you and the forces you cannot control that will impact your project. Don’t worry these outside hurdles will change they are not fixed in the meantime take care of yourself while you wait it out. This could be the perfect opportunity for some self care and relaxation. Find strength in trusting that there are more favorable circumstances on the way!
8 of Pentacles
Pisces you are really putting in all the work to manifest your life. You’re taking action and learning new skills. The 8 of Pentacles indicate hard work within a vocation. This could mean that you are studying for a new qualification or becoming an apprentice. You might now want to hear this but, this is a journey that will have to take time before you reach your ultimate goal and that is okay. Deepen your self-love by reminding yourself that your hard work is taking you where you need to be. Find strength in trusting yourself. You are doing the work and the success has to come with it. Even if it takes time you are doing all you can. Be proud of what you have already accomplished and recognize the small steps/wins you’re making along the way.
Abygai Peña is a Manhattan-bound feminist filmmaker and writer who contributes to BUST Magazine and Sad Girls Club while serving at the Deputy Editor of arthouse film magazine Cinema Skyline and Managing Newsletter Editor of Bluestockings Bookstore. Abygai Peña’s work lives at the intersections of cinema, gender, activism, and the occult. Abygai Peña is utilizing her expertise to soon launch a new publication called Banshe Magazine which aims to deconstruct and decolonize femme images in media.